Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Help And FAQ About Mobik.com


System Requirements

In order to use MobiK, your computer needs to match the following requirements:

- a computer that supports an Internet browser, i.e. Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari
- be running Macromedia Flash player 9.0 or later
- be connected to the Internet, preferable with a broadband connection i.e. ADSL or cable
- include optional sound support

In order to use MobiK on your mobile phone, you need to have a Java mobile phone that supports MIDP 2.0. A list of compatible
phones can be view on the Microjava supported devices page.

Quick start - send a TXT message from your PC

Sending a TXT message from MobiK is easy! Assuming that you have logged with your USERNAME and PASSWORD, just enter the mobile phone number in the TO field, type your message and click the SEND button. That's it!

And to be sure that it has gone, check the DELIVERY status in the lower panel.

If you are experiencing difficulty, either sending or receiving a TXT message, just be sure of the following points:

(a) that you are using the full international prefix of the number that you are sending to. MobiK works internationally, so you have to tag each number with the regional destination. As an example, if you are sending to a friend in Australia, you will need to prefix the number with a 61 and drop the leading zero, ie. 61411148500. If you are still confused, your can read more about international number prefixes on this page.

(b) MobiK is an ad sponsored network. In other words, there needs to be an ad sponsor in your region to be able to receive a MobiK. No sponsor, no traffic! To get MobiK to work in your region, help us get a local sponsor!

Quick start - send a TXT message from your mobile phone

This requires you to have a phone that supports Java and that you have downloaded and installed the MobiK Java applet.

Details about obtaining MobiK for your mobile phone can be found in our section 'Using MobiK on a Java phone'. Our Java applet will become available in December 2006 . . . not because we want to hold you back, rather we are currently working on optimising MobiK so that it works on most mobile phones.

Adding contacts

This step is not too difficult either! Click the NEW CONTACT button (that's that big + sign) and enter a name. Try not to exceed 30 characters as the phone number won't appear on the screen.

After you have entered your CONTACT details, tab down to the next field and enter a MOBILE NUMBER. This needs to contain an international prefix and no plus sign, no spaces and no dashes! This is very important. If there are dashes or spaces in the number sequence, your TXT message will not be delivered. Still confused? Check out our number formatting page.

We have included a notes section to allow you to add additional notes about each of your contacts. This can be anything you feel like writing ... their address, birthday, their friends names or whatever!

When you have completed these step, click the SAVE button to add this entry to your contact list. To add a second entry, just repeat the process. Each time you login to MobiK, this contact list will appear on the screen.

To add an entry in the contact list to the TO: field, either DOUBLE CLICK the entry or using your mouse, 'drag' the entry into the field.

You can also add multiple entries using this process. If you hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard, you can highlight multiple entries, then using your mouse, drag this 'group' into the TO: field.

Editing and filtering your contacts list

To make changes to individual entries in your contacts list, just highlight the enty, and click the QUILL button. This allows you to change any of the details associated with the entry.

By default, MobiK will sort your Contacts list based on the characters in the FIRST NAME field. MobiK also allows you to instantly find any entry in your Contacts list or to filter specific entries. This is especially useful if you are planning to use the Group capabilities of MobiK.

The search feature works by finding and grouping specific occurences of any character or sequence of characters. By entering a character in the Search field, MobiK will instantly select and display all your Contact entries containing these characters.

This function is especially useful for finding single entries and for grouping entries. By including a keyword as part of either the FIRST NAME or LAST NAME field, i.e. U21, Netball, Team, Rugby, Group etc, all that is required is to enter your keyword in the Search field and the group entries are instantly displayed.

Sending a TXT message to a group of friends

MobiK uses a convenient 'click and drag' function to enable the selection of a group of contacts. To select multiple entries, hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard and highlight each new recipient with your mouse. Then again, using your mouse, 'drag' these highlighted entries across to the TO field. Releasing the mouse button adds the new entries.

MobiK will automatically place a comma and space between each mobile number and show a count of your recipients. The only issue to watch out for is that MobiK places a cap of 25 recipients on each group send. Anymore than 25 entries and MobiK will instantly reject the contact entry.

Installing a MobiK shortcut on your PC desktop

Clicking on the MobiK Shortcut link will install a MobiK icon on your desktop. Clicking this icon will automatically load your preferred browser and the MobiK application.

How do I block the sending of a MobiK TXT message to my phone?

MobiK will only deliver to the regions supported by our advertising sponsors and where a user has agreed to receive a TXT message. By default, MobiK users receive TXT messages directed to their mobile phone. At any time, you can opt-out from receiving MobiK TXT messages. This will block any TXT message send across the MobiK Community Network from reaching your mobile phone.

While the opt-out feature of MobiK will block your receipt of TXT message send across the MobiK Community Network, you are still able to send a TXT message aross the MobiK Community Network.

If you choose to opt-out, MobiK will report your opt-out profile as a blocked delivery within the SENT outbox i.e. 'Blocked - optout'.

I'm experiencing 'session expired' messages in MobiK. What's wrong?

Typically this occurs whenever MobiK encounters a firewall, a proxy account or port blocking that prevents MobiK from communicating directly with our servers. The workaround is to release access for MobiK through your firewall or to redirect your browser traffic to Port 8080. You should also check whether your broadband provider recommends the use of a specific proxy address to be added to your Internet browser settings.

Where can I download the MobiK User Guide?

The MobiK User Guide can be viewed as either a Flashpaper document (this will open in your Internet browser) or as an Adobe Acrobat PDF document (this requires you to have the free Adobe Acrobat Reader installed).

How do I report 'inapppropriate content'?

If you have received spam or 'inappropriate content' as a TXT message on the MobiK Community Network, you can report the incident on our Contact page. Alternatively, you can choose to opt-out of the MobiK Community Network. This will block the receipt of any TXT messages sent across the MobiK Community Network from reaching your phone.

View our list of Frequently Asked Questions

You will find this list summarised on our FAQ page.

I have a great idea and would like to integrate MobiK into my existing marketing activities. Who do I contact?

Start by visiting our Contact page. Write us a brief note about the proposal that you have in mind and be sure to include your email and telephone number. One of our sales team will make contact with you the following day.

I would like to advertise on the MobiK Community Network. How do I sign up?

Start by visiting our Advertising page. This explains the process of creating an advertising account on the MobiK Community Network.

I am concerned about my privacy. How do you protect users from abuse on the MobiK network?

We don't sell or rent our customer list. You are only ever identified by your USERNAME that you create at registration. If you don't want to receive MobiK replies to your phone, you can opt-out of the MobiK network. If you choose to opt-out, anyone sending a MobiK message to your mobile phone will have his/her message blocked. You can however, still continue to send a MobiK from your browser or mobile phone.

What mobile networks does the MobiK Network cover?

A comprehensive summary of the MobiK supported operator networks can be found on our coverage page.

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